Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Timbu way

How do you spend your leave allowance?
How do you spend your summer breaks? 
How do you reward yourself after hitting a personal milestone?

I got you thinking right? 

Travelling as they say is always a good idea. Amazing memories created with loved ones or strangers. A recreational bonding exercise. A guaranteed way to ensure you let go of tension.

As you all know, I'm constantly preaching the ''value for your money'' sermon. The USA is a sure way of ensuring that. America has 50 states with each state having their tourist attractions.

So, how do we maximize all these states and their pleasures in one trip? 

- Get a US visa
- Book your flight months ahead of your trip to ensure you get the best prices
- Book your hotel reservations on Timbu.com in advance to be able to get the best deals

In my next post I'll be sharing how you can tour these states in the US while on a budget but for now, let me give you the first hint.

On Timbu.com, they give upto 50% hotel prices if you're booking 2 months in advance. The rooms and hotel facilities were exactly as I saw them on the Timbu website. I even got an agent from Timbu email me to confirm if I had a smooth check-in experience. I know right, such amazing customer service.

Visit here for exciting holiday packages

See y'all soon.

I got you covered, best believe *wink*.